Called to Love;
Led to Serve


Everyone is welcome at Community UMC.
 Our focus is inviting people to connect to Jesus, grow in faith,
 and change the world by loving and serving God and others.

Our Current Worship Series

Share: The Love of God for All

God wants to be in relationship with us and showed us the power of unconditional love by coming to be
with us. To be us. God was so determined to be in relationship with us that only God becoming human
through Jesus would accomplish the wholeness, restoration and redemption the world so desperately
needs. Throughout this 4-week series, we’ll explore our personal faith stories, begin to see others who are
longing for an experience with God, learn to live in such a way that our very lives become an expression
of Christ, and then practice inviting others to encounter the unconditional love of God.

Regular Worship Schedule

In-Person Services on Sundays

8 a.m.
9:30 a.m.
11 a.m.

Online Services on Sundays

9:30 a.m.
11 a.m.

I'm New

First-time guests, here's a simple way to connect with us.

Global Market

The Global Market, located in the Welcome Center, is a fair trade gift shop selling crafts from developing countries. Your purchases help to improve the lives of the artisans, who are guaranteed fair wages and safe working conditions.

Regular Hours:
Tuesdays: 10 a.m. - 2 p.m.
Wednesdays: 10 a.m. - 2 p.m.
Sundays: 9 -11 a.m.
By appointment: Call 573-445-6131

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Where to find us

Community United Methodist Church
3301 W. Broadway
Columbia, MO 65203
Office Phone and Email: